Best srl
BEST SRL (date of constitution: 26 October, 2020) was born from a joint work with CCS AOSTA S.R.L., with decades of experience in the agricultural sector, and it proposes a new product idea for symbiotic agriculture in liquid formulation.
In 2019, BEST SRL obtained the first prize for the Start Cup UniGe, a competition dedicated to the ideas of business based on innovative proposals by research activities conducted within the University of Genoa.
plant height, flowering percentage, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight, production per plant, yield per hectare, sugar content...University of Genoa.

The significance of agricultural innovation is reflected in various aspects, including key factors such as increasing yield, improving quality, conserving resources, adapting to climate change, and promoting sustainable development. In the context of agricultural innovation, the symbiotic agriculture is a new cultivation process which involves, for agricultural land, the use of a be
neficial microorganisms pool (fungi, bacteria and yeasts) to promote the growth and development of plants and their fruits, the fertility of the soil and its healthiness. The products available on the market today are produced in powder, granular products and liquid suspensions. However, the liquid formulations currently presents some issues related to short-term stability e the formation of aggregates that can clog and block irrigation systems. BEST SRL is developing ex novo a solution to these problems. The project has the aim of stabilizing by encapsulation a pull of beneficial microorganisms for agricultural delivery in a long-lasting water-oil-water emulsion. The philosophy of BEST products is the antithesis of the current concept of intensive agriculture which uses chemical compounds to increase productivity. The products developed are natural and aim to restore the virtuous cycle that allows the obtaining from the earth of products rich in beneficial nutrients while respecting the soil. Several first tests have been already performed on field, testing different parameters, including plant height, flowering percentage, number of fruits per plant, fruit weight, production per plant, yield per hectare, sugar content, etc. No symptoms of phytotoxicity or growth interference were observed on the plant treated with the experimental products for the entire test period, therefore the application with the products was completely selective for the crop. There were no positive or negative effects on subsequent crops and the new formulations have always proven superior compared to the untreated harvest.